Helping to create better workplaces

Welcome to Revel – a place for leaders and business owners wanting to create better workplaces and give their people great work experiences.  

Bringing a fresh and important perspective, I believe it’s time to challenge the status quo, by rethinking culture and doing leadership more deliberately and authentically. 

Revel is about wellbeing and creating the groundwork for transformative change that will lead to better outcomes and results right across your business.

My aim is to enhance the connection between performance and wellbeing to create healthy cultures leading to deeper engagement that deliver better results.

Pillars of Purpose


Culture can be likened to the connective tissue that holds your business together. It’s typically defined as ‘the way we do things around here’. You can shape your culture by creating a healthy working environment where people are able to not only ‘do’ but ‘feel’.

A culture where they feel inspired, connected and able to give their best. When a healthy culture is truly integrated, people have a sense of belonging and understand the impact they make every day. Put simply, it can attract and retain your people, improve productivity and drive innovation and adaptability.

Just as a healthy connective tissue supports your body’s functions and movements, a healthy organisational culture supports the functioning and growth of your business.


I believe the connection you have with yourself is the most important connection you’ll have in life. Strengthening connection begins with this. My grounded approach will help unearth deeper levels of self-awareness and presence to empower you to express your true self and the confidence to lead authentically from the heart.

When you form a strong connection with yourself, you are better able to form meaningful connections with others. This connection, particularly in the workplace, often leads to a sense of belonging – one of the key factors for wellbeing at work influencing performance, productivity and engagement.


Change is constant. And happening at a pace never seen before in our lifetime. Our world is full of the “unfamiliarity of the future” which means we can (at times) resist and crave the familiar (even if it’s unhelpful to our wellbeing and our business outcomes).

As a change maker I’m here to make a meaningful difference – whether it’s for you personally or for your business. If we can embrace change with the right mindset, we foster growth, wisdom, resilience and adaptability.

Spark change and I’ll guide you to consciously transform the way you move, lead and support yourself (and your business) through this change.

Work With Me

Facilitation & Workshops

I provide interactive and engaging workshops with the intent to provide you and your team with strategies to manage stress, build connections and boost confidence. 

Through my workshops, you’ll create:
- Actionable strategies for stress and burnout
- Deeper connections for stronger teams
- Strategies to silence the inner critic for boosted confidence
- Improved focus and presence for peak performance

As a facilitator for “The Great Recharge” I aim to create workplaces that have the confidence, knowledge and resources to thrive in a world that won’t stop changing. 

Built on the principles of neuroscience, strengths psychology and coaching, these workshops create exploration, discovery and most importantly, a shared understanding of what happens to us when we face significant or unexpected sources of pressure – and even more importantly, what we can do about it. 


Leadership Development

When it comes to the challenges we face as part of our “always on”, high change reality of life and leadership, it’s important to take time to pause, breath and create space to go deeper. It’s the art of slowing down in order to focus, clarify and connect – then move forward with greater understanding.

My leadership programme provides you the space to go deeper into your own experience of how you wish to lead and how you can create a healthy human culture that delivers better results and deeper levels of engagement.

You’ll create a sense of inner calm and strength, develop the inner coach to access more of your leadership potential and ultimately lead yourself to positive change that ripples throughout your life and work.


HR Business Partnering

As your HR Partner, I will help shape your culture and working environment so that you can provide a great work experience for your people.

Being aware of your culture and understanding its positive and hindering impact is the starting point towards a healthy workplace – one that prioritises and supports the physical, mental and emotional health of your people.

Leading change projects, engagement surveys, team off site days or simply providing advice on any people matter is how I can help you navigate the complexities of leading people in business today.


Julia Stockman

I have a passion for living life well.  I’m a nature lover, a dog lover and have a deep curious approach to life and people – I’m a change maker – not at peace with the status quo, I’m here to make a difference in this world! 

As such, Revel was born from my desire to craft meaningful change in workplaces – where wellbeing and a healthy human culture is priority.  I am dedicated to consciously transforming the way we live, lead and work.   

With 25+ years in the people and culture space, I have worked across both private and public sector organisations as a business partner, delivering and facilitating leadership programmes, resilience workshops and culture change projects.  I’ve merged my passion for wellbeing with my solid HR background to provide an intuitive holistic yet grounded and pragmatic perspective in understanding the dynamics of people and teams.  

I’ve been told by my clients that my ‘superpowers’ include my ability to hold space for others with empathy and understanding, which means I can quickly get to the heart of any matter.  

I’m real –authenticity inspires me.   

I’m able to listen intently to partner and collaborate and I possess a calmness in even the most chaotic of situations.  

My blended approach is informed by ongoing research in the field of neuroscience, psychology, mindfulness and somatic embodiment practices.  In addition to a Post Grad Dip in HR, I am an approved facilitator for ‘The Great Recharge’ programme, a certified Herrmann Brain Dominance Indicator practitioner, “Change Maker” and Embodied Flow Yoga Teacher. 

To form meaningful connections with others, we must first connect with ourselves, but to do either, we must first establish a common understanding of the language of emotion and human experience.

Brené Brown